David Emerson Jr Missing from Snyder, TX
The holidays of 2014 is one the Emerson family won’t soon forget. That is when the torture of not knowing all began. It still goes on, five years later. The family still has no answers. They don’t know what happened, but mostly, they don’t know where he is to Bring Him Home.
You can ask anyone that knew him. David was full of life, love, and compassion. Several people have stated to us “anytime we needed something, David was willing to give it.”
David “Dee” Emerson Jr. was born February 10, 1979 and was 35 years old at the time of his disappearance. He was a medium complected African American Male; about 5’8’ and approximately 160 lbs. He had brown hair, most likely in corn rows, and brown eyes. David was known to wear several necklaces, including a corded one with a key on it. David had a scar on his cheek from a medical implant, both his ears and his tongue was pierced. He had “Dee” tattooed on his shoulder. David is missing from Snyder, Scurry County, Texas. At this time, foul play is expected.
David was last seen, on his front porch, talking to a family member. The family member stated that when he left “David was hanging out with some dude, playing video games.” That was New Year’s Eve 2014. It should be noted: This family member did tell us he can describe the person he was playing video games with.
If you have any information of the location of David “Dee” Emerson Jr, please contact us at this site, through our email helpbringhomethemissing@gmail.com, his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/DavidEmersonJr.MissingTx/ or his website at https://helpbringhomethemi.wixsite.com/missingpersondavide. A $1500 reward is available for the person that gives information to the location of David.
NamUs Entry: https://www.namus.gov/MissingPersons/Case#/28172
The Charley Project entry: http://charleyproject.org/case/david-emerson-jr
In closing, David if you are out there and you read this. If you don’t want to be located, if you don’t want to have contact with anyone from your past. Please just message us. Send us something recent to let us know it is you. No one will reveal your location. But your mom needs to know you are okay. That is all we ask.
Thank you for stopping by,
From the team of Help Bring Home The Missing