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Featured Blog Crimeblogger1983

Writer's picture: helpbringhomethemissinghelpbringhomethemissing

You know, I follow a lot of Missing Persons Facebook groups and pages, as well as a lot of advocates. One I follow, our friend Anthony AKA Shurlock has got to be one of the most outspoken ones I have had the pleasure of getting to know. He is very vocal, when it comes to his support of victim’s families. Let’s just say, he isn’t afraid to tell them what he thinks. He does the whole 1, 2 punch without a blink. Bashful, this guy is not. I admire that in him. While most of us are more, can you say on the gentler side.. not Anthony.

When I told him of our new “adventure” so to speak. He was one of the first ones to promote us. And promote he did. So, when I was looking to speak to a few people in the missing persons world, I would have been remised to not ask him if he was willing to answer a few questions, and be “featured” as an advocate. I fully intended to take his answers and create my own post. But you would never get the entire “feel” for him, or his passion for helping families of the missing. So, instead of just creating a post, let me just show you the questions, and the answers he gave. I know, I know. That is kind of cheating. BUT again, you would not know Shurlock any other way.

First of all, would you like to refer to you as Anthony or Shurlock?

Anthony is fine, I got the nickname "Shurlock" from an ex. Long before I did this. Funny story, She ended up seeing my profile a few years ago on FB. And knew it was me. Hadn't talked to her in prob close to a decade.

Tell us a little about yourself

I'm a boring dude outside of this. Like really boring. I grew up in Garland/Richardson, Texas. Moved to Abilene,TX a few months ago. Which turned out great. Cuz one of my main cases is from there. (Michael Jefferson Adams.) I'm a diehard Cleveland Browns fan. (Depressing huh?) I was a big UFO guy before I did this work. I like this work a WHOLE lot better tho.

How was life different, before the Crime Blogger? Did you have different goals for life?

Eh, Not a whole lot different. Like I said, I'm a boring dude outside of my work. I usually just worked at whatever job I had and waited for Sundays so I can see the Browns get smashed. I like to read a lot. Big Batman fan. But other than that. Not a whole lot different. I tend to get bored rather easily. Minus my Missing Persons work. I am never bored with that. I do get burned out tho.

Do you feel you reached some of your life goals?

Some yes. Some no. I am looking at doing this for a living. Once I do that. And can provide for myself through this work. Then yes.

How has the Crime Blogger changed your outlook on different situations?

That's a good question. I've always been an aggressive personality. Regardless of this work. Which hasn't always worked in my favor sometimes. However, I guess before I got into this work I thought that with the cases I cover. Or just cases in general. With the amount of circumstantial evidence thats accumulated on people who are responsible for missing persons. It would be a whole lot easier to get a conviction. Even without finding a body. And that's just not the case. Unless you have an aggressive D.A. who doesn't care about Politics. Or a Police Department that actually gives a damn. You're constantly running in circles. And you gotta think outside the box. Which is why most of the time I circumvent the legal system. And just go right to the person I think is responsible. And that's where the fun begins. I absolutely love picking fights with bad people. Especially in person. Most guilty fools think I'm just a loudmouth online. And anyone who knows me outside of this work knows I am exactly the same regardless.

10 years ago, did you see yourself being as successful in the missing community as you are?

Well, I dunno if I consider myself successful. I'll leave that up to my readers and listeners to figure that out. But I appreciate the compliment. I'm just a small fish in a big ocean of people who do the same work as myself. If I can contribute in a meaningful way. Then I'll be happy.

Is there a particular case you covered that really stands out to you? If so, why?

Many cases do. Some I haven't had the chance to cover yet. Like Joan Carolyn Risch. Her case stands out big time. It's likely not as bizarre of a case as it seems. But I've plugged away at that one for many years. Tammy Lynn Leppert's case is the reason I started this. That's because if Unsolved Mysteries. I grew up with that segment they did on her. And it stayed with me all these years. Ive even talked to both of her half sisters who are tremendously nice ladies. Evelyn Grace Hartley is another one. Basically cuz that case is from my Grandma's generation. And my Grandma even looked like Evelyn did back in 1953. RIP Grandma.

What is one of the biggest challenges you face, running the Crime Blogger?

Burnout. I am a total perfectionist. And my posts have to be perfect. And if they aren't. I obsess over them. I am never happy with them. I nitpick myself to death. I am my own worst enemy. Which is why I take long break periods. Plus I take on a lot more than I should at one time.

Is there anything else you would like for us to tell the readers?

Stayed tuned. Got some good cases coming.

How do you choose the cases that you cover?

Just depends. I like covering cases that don't get a whole lot of attention. But if I do end up covering one that is well known. Or atleast has a good amount of coverage on it. It usually means that I think the case is being looked at incorrectly. Dennis Martin's case for example. I also like being able to go after bad guys. So if the case has someone who has gotten away with something. Then odds are they are gonna know who I am eventually.

Do you have any advice for someone who was just “breaking into” this passion?

Yes, Do your own research. Don't depend on people like me or others who have already covered it. Cuz we all make mistakes. And when we do. Others use our work. And then the mistakes are repeated for years. I've encountered that I don't know how many times.

How do you prefer families reach out to you? Do you have a specific email address you would like for us to tell them?

I'm also on every social media platform there is. Minus Snapchat. Just because I don't see the point in using it. Just Google Shurlock Holmes or CrimeBlogger1983. And I come up pretty easy. But the easiest way is to email me at that address.

If you have the passion to follow some really in-depth cases, I would HIGHLY recommend you check him out. He isn’t afraid to do the work and find the information. He doesn’t believe in “verbal vomit” other’s work.

You can find him on Facebook at

Check him out, you will be glad you did.

Thank you for your time from the

Help Bring Home the Missing Team.



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